Wednesday, 21 September 2011


This is probably my best. it took considerbly longer than the others and i put a lot more work into it, i hope y'all  like it.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Thank U!!!

A thank you to Lydia for following,  don't just decide to follow because you get a mention people, I'm doing this
because Lydia is the first :) Thanx Lydia!!!            

Portal 2

It went from a GLaDOS picture to a Portal 2 picture, if your wondering why I did this, I'm just as much a fan of portal as Doctor Who, so ignore the title of Whoniverse pictures completely!!

and yes it is different, but I'm experimenting.

Sunday, 18 September 2011


this picture i put on a blog that i share with my friends, that is called the rory pond appreciation society.
link to RPAS:

as a pointer i use Coral Paint Shop Pro Photo XI :)  i may not just do DW photos sometimes. im working towards a GLaDOS one now :)


my first one here: River Song / Melody Song...